Have Your Say

  • Mourn for the Dead, Fight for the Living

    “We want to call attention to the specific injustice faced by agricultural workers,” write workers, activists and allies in this collective commentary marking April 28, the National Day of Mourning. “These workers face dangerous working conditions on a daily basis.” Keep reading…

  • Solidarity

    My dad didn’t just work for the union. He believed in the union and workers’ rights with all of his heart and soul, writes Tamara Levine, daughter of longtime labour activist and founding director of research at the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Gil Levine. Keep reading…

  • Doing the Work

    Race, Labour and Transformative Justice

    Racism may seem dormant at times, but it can easily be activated and shifted into new, no less dangerous forms. So when we see political flashpoints, we must ask ourselves: Why now? We would do well to learn the relevant history and reckon with its impact on the present. Keep reading…

  • Talking About Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek

    A Letter to Our Labour Movement

    With sadness and frustration, we watch as forestry workers are played off against Indigenous and environmental activists by the very corporations that profit from their exploitation. Keep reading…

  • Championing Spirituality in the Workplace

    What of workers made to suffer a spiritual crisis because they can’t hold their dying resident’s hand and pray with them on their deathbed? Keep reading…

  • Will a UBI Cure Capitalism?

    Lockdowns, closed borders, lost lives and economic turmoil have all sparked national discussions about how to recover and, more importantly, how to treat some of capitalism’s worst symptoms to prevent the next crisis. Keep reading…

  • The Importance of Home

    A Wake-up Call for Housing for All

    Public health mantras of “stay home,” “maintain six feet of distance from others” and “wash your hands frequently” are exactly what you cannot do if you are homeless. Keep reading…


    Education unions are fighting against increased class sizes, mandatory e-learning, cuts to special education staffing and supports, and so much more. I thank them. Keep reading…


    The reason for homelessness is simple: people don’t have housing because it is simply unavailable at rents they can afford to pay. Keep reading…

  • Why Was I a Bystander?

    Confessions of a Feminist Union Activist

    I thought that if I complained to male trade union leaders they would not even listen or accept what I was saying. I thought they would say, “It’s just X. You’re being too sensitive.” Or, “The other women haven’t complained.” Or, “This is just you being a feminist.” Keep reading…