A Green New Deal for Canada, Now!
Is political will and timing on the side of a Green New Deal for Canada? There is a strong demand for change, but people often don’t know where to start, says Patricia Chong. Keep reading…
Elder Women Share Their Wisdom
Seniors activists Suzanne Clancy (left) and Janice Gairey (right) want to see more conversations with younger women. “They support us and we support them. These issues affect all of us,” says Gairey. Keep reading…
An Interview with Shelina Merani on Comedy, Islam and Unions
Comedian, union activist and award-winning digital media strategist Shelina Merani uses stand-up comedy to empower and educate by breaking down stereotypes and building bridges. Keep reading…
Digital Dreams (Part 2)
Lighting New Pathways of Connection
How do unions “see” our members in this era of content marketing and surveillance capitalism? Do we see them as prospects to market to, or as agents of social change, to equip and organize? Keep reading…
Our Spirits Cannot Be Stolen
Islamophobia is a Public Health Issue
Every time there is an incident of Islamophobia, no matter how small or large, the reverberations reach our families and communities. We are like trees with intertwined roots, sharing sustenance from the same earth. When one of us is harmed, the whole ecosystem suffers in ways that may not be immediately apparent. Keep reading…
The Power of Song
Gil’s Hootenanny
Every year this songfest in honour of a beloved trade unionist’s memory brings people together in the Ottawa area to sing songs of protest and hope, belting out their belief in the power of collective singing for change. Keep reading…
After the U.S. Midterms
The racism and sexism women experience online and in real life, during elections and after. Keep reading…
Digital Dreams (Part 1)
Beyond Corporate-Controlled Platforms
Digital “conversations” are brittle and transient, when what the world needs — and what our organizations and movements need — are places where we can have open conversations and connection grounded in solidarity. Keep reading…
Everything Is Made Somewhere
General Motors and the Shifting Politics of Plant Closings
If history teaches us anything, it is that nothing will change unless working people mobilize against plant closings. It is a political issue and should be treated as such. Keep reading…
Be Bold, Be Brave
Trans Workers on Building an Inclusive Labour Movement
During bargaining, Sebastien Trujillo and his fellow union reps were able to change all of the language in their collective agreement, from “he/him” and “she/her” to the more inclusive “they” and “them.” Keep reading…