
  • Power to The People

    Keeping Hydro One in Public Hands

    Working together in our communities, with strong opposition, we can keep Hydro One public. Here’s why we should fight to keep the power grid in public hands. Keep reading…

  • Now Is the Time

    That sound you hear is First Nations people getting organized. Keep reading…

  • Halifax Water Workers Defend Pensions

    Haligonians know that Halifax Water workers are on 10 picket lines around the city, but Heather Corkum, president of Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1431, wonders if residents know the whole truth about the situation. Keep reading…

  • What Did Not Have to Be

    The BC Sawmill Tragedies

    “It was a war zone,” says Lakeland Mills worker Bruce Germyn (above), recalling the night of April 23, 2012, when the mill exploded and an inferno erupted, sweeping through the site. What Germyn remembers is the chaos of fire and smoke, sirens, emergency personnel, and workers who had survived but were suffering from horrible burns and smoke inhalation, crying out for help. Keep reading…

  • Women of Labour and the Arts

    Talking with the 2014 Min Sook Lee Award Winners

    The 30th annual Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts was held from May 1 to 14 in the Greater Toronto Area, and from April 30 to May 16 in Halifax. Visual arts exhibits, a walking tour, a film screening, theatre performances, concerts, and interactive community workshops were all part of the offerings. “Art is the best way to engage people,” says Faith Nolan, one of six women recognized earlier this year by Mayworks for their outstanding contributions to the arts and the labour movement. Keep reading…

  • The Problem with the Middle Class

    Middle-class people not only don’t identify with working-class values, they also don’t understand them. I believe you can be a bank manager and still be a working-class person. It’s about understanding the issues — working people’s issues. Keep reading…

  • Pain and Prejudice

    Karen Messing has spent almost 40 years doing research to protect workers’ health. And she has done so by working directly with those affected: workers themselves. We have a lot to learn from her experiences. Keep reading…

  • Workers Unite!

    An Interview with Union Organizer Tanya Ferguson

    “A lot of times with union organizing, it’s completely underground,” says Tanya Ferguson, “so people have to know all the risks involved and do all the groundwork.” Keep reading…

  • The Union’s Gift to Me

    “We drove to Windsor to support a group of taxi drivers asking for fairer compensation and safer working conditions. We went to Sudbury to march with mine workers resisting concessions being demanded by the rich corporate mine owners. Being part of a union both enriched my life and empowered me,” recounts Doug Butler. His story is the latest instalment in one of our longest-running and best-loved series, Working for a Living. We’ve long believed workers strengthen the movement - and each other - each time we tell our own stories, so please join us and share your work experiences. Writing may be something you truly adore or something you’ve never really tried before - either way, we’d love to hear from you. Now, back to Doug: Keep reading…

  • A Is for Activist

    An Interview with Kyle Buott

    By expanding the range of issues they address, unions not only speak to a larger and more diverse audience — they also become more sustainable. Kyle Buott notes it’s not uncommon for community-based activists who aren’t union members to later find themselves employed in unionized workplaces. Keep reading…