Our Times Tally

• Percentage of Canadians who believe they are "as nice as the world thinks we are": 66
• Percentage who believe they are "even nicer": 12
• Percentage of Canadians who say "there are too many immigrants coming to Canada": 46
• Percentage of Canadians who say the country's security is "under threat" because of refugees: 53
• Percentage increase in the number of hate crimes targeting Muslim Canadians since 2012: 253
• Rank of Thunder Bay as the city having the highest per capita number of hate crimes in the country: 1
• Rank of Toronto: 7
Number of new condominium units that have been built in Toronto during the last four years: 100,000
• Number of people in Toronto currently on the waiting list for subsidized housing: 180,000

• Percentage increase in the number of people in the United States worth more than $30 million during the last decade: 30
• Percentage increase in the number of people in Canada worth more than $30 million during the same period: 50
• Percentage of Canadians who consider themselves "middle class": 74
• Chance that a First Nations child on a reserve in Canada lives in poverty: 3 in 5
Percentage of residential school survivors who report they suffered physical abuse as students: 67
• Percentage of Canadians who have never read or heard about the history of the residential school system: 33

• Projected percentage increase in military spending by the federal Liberal government over the next ten years: 73
• Number of new fighter jets previously scheduled for purchase by the previous Conservative government: 65
• Number of new fighter jets scheduled for purchase by the current Liberal government: 88
• Celsius increase in average global temperatures since 1880: 1.3
• Additional Celsius increase in future global temperatures even if all of the Paris Climate Agreement goals are achieved: 0.7
• Since 1980, chance that an armed conflict is related to climate change or climate change-related natural disasters: 1 in 4
• Current total membership of the British Conservative Party: 149,800
• Number of people who joined the British Labour Party during the three day period after the June 8 general election: 150,000
• Chance that a farmer in Canada is over the age of 55: 1 in 2
• Chance that a homeless person in Australia is under the age of 25: 2 in 5
• Estimated number of Canadian youth under the age of 25 who experience homelessness each year: 35,000
• Chance that a homeless shelter user in Canada is over the age of 50: 1 in 4
Percentage of Americans who believe border security with Mexico should be increased: 64
• Percentage of Canadians who believe border security with the United States should be increased: 71

• Rank of Canada in being among the first countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage: 4
• Percentage of Canadians who say the country's universal health care system is a "source of collective pride": 94
• Percentage of Canadians who say the same about the British monarchy: 39
• Year in which slavery was abolished in Canada: 1834
• Out of 10 provinces and 3 territories, number whose names are First Nations in origin: 6
• Year that National Aboriginal Day was first celebrated in Canada: 1996
• Year in which the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy was formed: 1142

Our Times Tally is written by union communications and media consultant Sean Cain, of Better World Communications.