
  • Millennials, Pensioners & Workmates

    Most Canadian unions that attempt a regular video news or organizing effort give it up as not worth the investment in time and bandwidth. But if you and yours haven’t yet given it a spin, mebbe video pods’ time has come. Keep reading…

  • Quidi Vidi & Virtual Organizing

    In which I speak of muck, walking tours, the changing structure of work, and working-class insurgency — all from Port Union, Newfoundland, the only union-built town in the country. Keep reading…

  • Tweets and Twobbies

    Some of you, way too many of you, are still clustering your tweets. You know who you are. Keep reading…

  • Lessons from A Virtual Lawyer

    Immerse yourself in how the Labour Rights Law Office does its good work. How they do what they do is how your union could be offering services to members in many, many places — and how you could be building the union by bridging gaps that no longer need to be there. Keep reading…

  • Esmail Abdi & The Threshold

    On his way to the Education International World Congress in Ottawa in July, Iranian teachers’ union leader Esmail Abdi was arrested. Thoughts on the Canadian campaign to have him freed. Keep reading…

  • Big Data & Branded Buzz

    If you’re relying on Buzzfeed to get your word out and your word is a union word, start working on Plan B. Keep reading…

  • Hashtag Hijinks & Facebook’s Fast One

    Hashtag hijacking, tweeting under a trending hashtag to serve your own agenda, is an underused tactic. There is some productive fun to be had for those who are a dab hand on the tweet button. Keep reading…

  • Twitter Tips & Tweetfests

    Unifor is applying the open-organizing approach to their online communications. Their monthly question-and-answer period with the union’s president, on Twitter, is making a bit of a splash. Keep reading…

  • Mail Chimps & Changing Walmart

    I’ve used my WebWork column before to look at the distressingly negative experiences many women have online, including being flamed or otherwise harassed. And how those experiences might negatively affect women’s receptiveness to their unions’ online organizing efforts. In other words, I’ve looked at the gendered division of the internet. Regrettably, it’s still an issue.A recent article in The Pacific Standard, ... Keep reading…

  • Boosting Member Participation

    Longtime Our Times reader and supporter Allan Gottheil called in last summer to suggest an idea for a column: what I’ll call “tech-enabled broader-based participation.” Continuous democracy? Breakfast-table mobilization? Whatever it gets called, it is about the wider and deeper inclusion of members in their union’s activities, on a daily basis, through a process similar to polling.For instance, imagine a smartphone app that connects members to their union. The union wants to kno… Keep reading…