Winter 2020-2021
COVID Chronicles
A living history project by workers and the BC Labour Heritage Centre.
No Way to Treat a Hero
Alberta healthcare workers are tired of the government calling them “heroes” while it erodes their working conditions and jeopardizes their safety.
COVID Chronicles Everywhere ● Winter WebWork Online ● Paid Sick Days for All ● The Gritty Nurse Podcast ● Letter to the Editors ● Our Times Online
Our Times Tally
Number of laws passed since 1982 that have restricted, suspended or denied bargaining rights to Canadian workers: 230
11 Climate/Justice
No Warming, No War
War and militaries are quickly becoming some of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.
12 Union exchange
This is What We Do
Unionized workers in solidarity with migrant workers.
15 Passing the Torch
Gary Steeves (1950-2020)
Gary was “one of us. A worker’s champion.”
40 Have Your Say
Championing Spirituality in the Workplace
What of individuals made to suffer a spiritual crisis because they cannot hold their dying resident’s hand and pray with them on their deathbed?
42 Excerpt
Fighting for Democracy: The True Story of Jim Higgins (1907-1982)
July 1, 1935, Dominion Day, was the day that those in power called the “Regina Riot.” We called it “the use of force to halt the trek.”
45 Poetry
46 Working for a Living
Searching for Security
I stand here with my flashlight and my baton. As the sun goes down, my duty begins.
48 Working for a Living
Before the Wolf
That was the worst condition: the lack of sunlight. You could see it outside the structure all day long, existing in its fullness but no longer yours.
50 Review
A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
Seth Klein offers Canada’s response to the demands of the Second World War as a template for radical change.
52 Commentary
History & the INdian Farmers’ Protests
Who owns land, who gets to decide what to grow or extract from it — these are existential questions for every social justice movement.